Your link to the Jimmy Dore show started 20 minutes in — I only watched from there to the end. Nothing in that portion supported anything about the McResistance supporting regime change wars.
Eugene McCarthy (I hope you’re aware) was a consistent opponent of the Vietnam War. And while the left in general has opposed regime change wars, they haven’t been uniformly pacifist. Very few Democrats stood up against Gulf War 1 or 2 interventionism at the beginning (among presidential candidates, primarily Larry Agran, Dennis Kucinich, and Bernie Sanders). Regime change supporters tend to be conservative or moderate (the Bushes, Reagan, the Clintons, Obama).
Gabbard is fairly unique among critics of the U. S. involvement in the Middle East because she is an Islamophobe. Her support for dictators like Assad and Modi place her more in line with autocrats like Putin or Trump than with the current slate of Democratic candidates.