Yes, big fan of Hall Music too. A bit behind on Ane Brun (she's certainly wonderful).
My favorite Swedish Pop artist (I could rattle off 30 favorites, not including Danish, Norwegian, and Icelandish folks) is probably Annika Norlin ("Hello Saferide" and "Sakert!"). The song I mentioned that referenced Brian Wilson's "I Just Wasn't Made for These Times" satirizes a vapid young woman who is long on hipness and short on empathy and a sense of history; ironically, it was used for a car commercial that promotes the hipness of its buyers. Almost all of Norlin's songs are dramatic--they present the perspective of a flawed but very human individual facing a difficult situation (or avoiding it in the instance of "I Was Definitely Made for These Times").
I'm really enjoying the focus of Picking Up Rocks and plan to spend time with your ABBA review. It's interesting how deeply their MOR music influenced the more self-consciously arty Swede Indie Pop artists. E.g. Sakert's utterly infectious duet "Sanningsdan":
(Lyrics translated: )
Another Swede Indie Pop tip, in case you don't know her: Amanda Bergman. This song (and album) is about her breakup with The Tallest Man on Earth):