Wonderful list. As usual, "alternative" means not only "different" but "better." (I know about half of them, but any list with the Kinks is a winner.)
A few more alternatives:
The Flaming Lips have several ("A Change at Christmas" is my favorite), including an album as Imagene Pease.
Annika Norlin's "Silent Night" (not the familiar carol but a song about the song and more) should be heard as part of the epistolary collaboration with Jens Lekman, "Correspondence," from which it comes, but the song stands on its own.
My favorite album is by a band not usually considered as alternative (The Three Suns) but the arrangements by Charles Albertine certainly are. Here's a plug for my article on this definitely wacked out setting of mostly familiar songs: https://medium.com/the-riff/tubas-accordions-prokofiev-and-the-tympani-of-doom-4fe955469793
And stay tuned for my upcoming article (hopefully in time for the holidays) on Anna Jarvinen's Yule album (available in Swedish and in Finish),
Have a Mariah-less Xmas.