"... winter's here and your days are growing long" (one of my favorite lines from any song).
Grateful for your and Max's benignity.
I'll have to catch up on those Yoakam songs (I mostly know Dwight from the movie Slingblade, which also features Bruce Hampton).
I have one of those life-changing songs (the lead-off in my article about the power of dark music).
Here's a tear-jerker for you from Jonathan Richman, probably the happiest of singer songwriters:
And a hilarious version of the Billie Eilish concept, "We're Going to Die Together" (the persona comments that her lover is younger than her but he smokes, so it'll even out). Lyrics translation site below (you know I had to include a Swede Pop number):
Lyrics in English: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/vi-kommer-att-d%C3%B6-samtidigt-we-will-die-same-time.html
Japanese-Swede Pop bonus: