What you're describing as America becoming a failed state from 1980-2015 is pretty much characteristic of Black America from circa 1618-2015, with the exception of a tiny bump upwards for a few years after the Civil War. For enslaved Africans and their descendants, America was always a failed state. It may have always been a land of promise, but the promise was never fulfilled.
If a complete reboot (e.g. violent revolution) would resolve the problem of wealth inequality, the upheaval would be worthwhile. But any sort of radical restructuring will probably only serve to reinforce the power of the plutocrats, who have already established the rule of game change.
Rather than fighting to reclaim their formerly protected status (aka "Make America Great Again"), White Americans would serve themselves better if they sought to bring about (for the first time) liberty and justice for ALL. The oppressors must be vanquished. Hella lot of work, but the only shot we have.