What does “Demand it now” mean?
(a) Demand now, i.e. at this point (cue “Marat Sade”)
(b) Demand that it be enacted now?
(a) From what I read in Lauren Martincheck’s proposal, “Demand now” seems to be her suggestion. And that’s why I wrote my reply. You can demand M4A now, but that won’t do anything for people presently without health insurance coverage.
(b) From what I’ve read, not even the most idealistic proponents of M4A think that it could be enacted on January 20, 2021. Two years seems to be the most realistic implementation period.
( c) If you opt for immediate revolution, it might take a whole lot longer than two years to establish a rational health insurance policy.
Personally I would like single payer insurance (say on the model of Canada) to be implemented today. But my most ardent wish (even combined with the wishes of millions of other citizens) doesn’t ensure that reality will be shaped to satisfy my desire.