Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out....
My maternal grandparents were Croatians who emigrated to Canada and then to the US. Many decades ago, I found an LP titled something like "Yugoslavian Folk Songs" and showed it to my grandmother. She perused the songs on the album and pronounced with disdain "Hmm, that's Bosnian" or "Hmm, that's Serbian" or whatever. When she found a Croatian song, she was pleased. So much for the Yugo in Yugoslavia. https://youtu.be/kbYqb0I1Wnc
I believe we are far more embubbled than we think we are.
Check out "The Bridge on the Drina" by (Serbian, hmm) author Ivo Andric for a literary treatment of this theme. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bridge_on_the_Drina