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Three Touching Songs by Jimmy Webb
Rate-a-record challenge (Art Garfunkel, Jennifer Warnes, Glenn Campbell)
I hope that these three songs will be a treat for you. The writer (Jimmy Webb) is considered by many one of the greatest modern songsmiths. And the three vocalists (Art Garfunkel, Jennifer Warnes, and Glen Campbell) are among the most esteemed interpreters of our era.
As you discuss and rate these songs from 35–98 (you probably know the drill — see the original Rate a Record Post by Terry Barr for criteria), please feel free to discuss the writing as well as the performances. Although Webb often released his compositions on his own albums, we mostly remember the “covers.” (Still, the originals — easily accessible on YouTube and the streaming services — are worth seeking out.)
“Crying in My Sleep,” Art Garfunkel
According to AllMusic, Gartfunkel’s solo album “Watermark” was originally intended to be a collection of Webb songs until “Crying in My Sleep” failed to do well on the charts, and the label made…