Three minor corrections for an otherwise fascinating profile.
It is not a bandwagon. Bandwagons play music. It is a hay wagon filled with pre-teens throwing firecrackers at each other.
Trump will not spell the demise of the Republicans (not without help from spellcheck anyway). The Republican hierarchy has decided they love Trump because he distracts voters from the party’s plunder and pillage. The Republican fan base hates everybody, but they hate people they consider liberals more than they hate people they consider conservatives, so as long as the hierarchy keeps them fooled, the Grand Old Party is sitting pretty while they watch from the sidewalk as the hay wagon goes up in flames.
Trump is not a good speaker, as least by traditional oratorical standards. According to the fan base (this is a real quote from a voter) “He says what we’re thinking.” That explains the halting, repetitive delivery, inaccurate usage, and limited vocabulary. If Trump were a good speaker (like Obama, for example), he’d be less popular with his fan base.
But these are quibbles.