This is why I don't watch TikTok videos. I'm not going to try to correct the idiocy of the Tokker (or whatever they call themselves), but I'd like to make one point for the "benefit" of my fellow white people who think that the fact that X group owned or sold slaves means that white people can't be criticized for maintaining the institution of slavery in the US. (Note that I said "maintaining the institution of slavery": many white people who didn't own slaves (Northerners as well as Southerners) maintained and benefited from the institution in various ways--just as many white people maintained and benefited from Jim Crow discrimination for decades.
My point: as far as I know (andI'm not a historian), sub-Saharan Africans were the only group (I won't use the term race) who were systematically subjected to what you call chattel slavery and displacement from their homeland, and white people (largely from the US but also England and elsewhere) benefited from the enslavement of sub-Saharan Africans. Furthermore, white people in the US continued to manipulate Jim Crow discrimination for their benefit (primarily cheap labor but also the psychological thrill of oppressing others) after slavery was abolished.
Most importantly, the impact of these two eras of enslavement and discrimination are still being felt today, and the willful ignorance of this continuity enables idiots like the Tokker to make stupid points and get likes (or whatever they use on TikTok) for promoting ignorance.