The push to overturn Roe v. Wade should worry everyone, but not just because of women’s right to make their own reproductive choices. A Handmaid State will not limit itself to outlawing abortion.
There are two groups behind the laws seeking to overturn Roe v. Wade and to punish women and doctors.
First: the religious (or so they claim to be) zealots who are not pro-life but pro-patriarchy. They define abortion (and in some cases miscarriages) as murder because they want to use the power of the state to punish sinners (as they define “sin”). Any man who thinks these zealots will rein in their efforts once they have criminalized abortion should attend a small town church service — preferably Southern Baptist.
The first group consists largely of white working and middle class men and women who feel powerless (even though they’re not) and want to control others who seem more free or powerful than they do. They believe that the Hollywood Elite (or the Liberal Socialist Communist Democrats) have corrupted their children. Contrary to their motto, they do not care about life but they are sincere in their unspoken belief that rule by patriarchal despots will cure the world of its evils.
The second group doesn’t believe in anything except extending their raw, murderous control. They know that if you can set limits on someone’s sexuality, you gain a powerful hold on that person’s entire life. These are the Sean Hannitys and Brett Kavanaughs, but most of them are less visible. They are well-educated, wealthy, and primarily white and male. They make no pretense (except for sloganeering) about protecting life or serving a higher power. They love wars and they love despoiling the planet because it’s lucrative — and fun.
Any man (except those in the above two groups) who thinks he won’t be severely harmed by the push to overturn Roe v. Wade is living in a bubble. And that bubble is about to be popped.