Since I’ve been on Medium, I’ve been amazed at the quantity and quality of your posts here, and at the opportunity to interact with someone who is so knowledgeable and devoted to teaching the craft. If you were the only resource on Medium, the Go Into the Story Blog would be worth far more than the Medium subscription fee.
One person’s recommendation:
All your posts will still be available. It would take months to read and think about everything there. If you have the time to reply to posts of old material, great, but if you have to limit interaction just to new posts, that would still be a golden opportunity for readers.
New material: I’d recommend one or two posts per day (maximum), maybe limited to Character-Driven Storytelling. This is your passion (and it shows). It’s what truly distinguishes you from others who offer essential insights. And in an milieu crammed with fake rules and superficial formulas, your advice on character-driven storytelling will improve the quality of screenwriting more than anything I know. I think your book will open up further avenues for exploration, and an interactive component on Medium or Twitter would be invaluable.
A belated thank-you for everything.