Margo Price--this is the first song I've heard by her. It's well-written and she sings it well, but I don't care for her voice--a bit too Lauperish without the fun, so I'm ranking it as an 80. The melody doesn't have a lot of variety, which is normally a negative for a 4:39 song, but in this case, the sameness makes for an excellent driving song (98 on that count).
The Yeahs: Now their vocals are the kinds I like, and the song has more variety, which makes it a better song for sit-down listening (95) but not for driving (85).
Here are two recommendations for your road mixtape:
1. "Färjemansleden" by Vapnet
Song: https://youtu.be/BpGNO835xD0
Lyrics and explanation: https://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858856894/
2. The Carolina Chocolate Drops' cover (live version) of J. E. Mainer's "Run Mountain"
Enjoy your trip as the leaves change color and the states around you turn from purple to red on Nov. 8.
I do think we'll have music in the new regime, but the good stuff may be passed along on home media, as with Samizdat.