On the works you've listed: I'm very fond of Langston Hughes' poems. As an older listener, I'm not familiar with the music (but I've added some suggestions below). And you've named some of my favorite directors / films. The only Ken Loach film I've seen is Kes (I think it fits your theme here, and makes a good companion to Truffaut's 400 Blows and Tony Richardson's Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner); Naked and Stroszek are benchmark films for me, and I appreciate the John Cassavetes movies I've seen.
Some songs I find inspiring: "In Two Minds" by Art Bears; "Far Far" by Yael Naim; "Wear It Like a Crown" by Rebekka Karijord.
Congratulations on being the first in your family history to reach university. My father was the first in his immediate family to go to college (he eventually earned a Ph.D. in 1952 thanks to the GI Bill), and I've taught college students who were the first in their family. I know it's a tremendous blessing and at the same time a tremendous responsibility. If your situation is like that of my father and others I know, you got there by your determination, but that drive arose from the inspiration by others in your family and friends. Just by applying and attending, you have achieved a major victory in moving the world in the direction of justice and empathy.