Not a big friend of "Friends." To me, the real crime is that dated sitcoms with the humanity of a peanut keep getting syndicated, while "Frank's Place"--which in 1987 dealt warmly and comically with difficult issues was given only one season and languishes in obscurity, except among its lucky fans. Oh, and it was funny as all get out too. The usual description is "Ahead of its time." But I think "timeless" would be more accurate.
I haven't seen the show since it aired. Maybe some of the episodes would seem inappropriate today. But the writers and actors had such respect for the characters that "Frank's Place" would probably seem as vital and engaging as it was over 20 years ago.
A few episodes are available on YouTube, with varying playback quality. ""Frank Joins the Club" has been recently uploaded--very good quality--and has picked up 7000 views in less than a month, with many positive comments.