It's the rare list where I know more than half of the songs (and like them). A moving challenge at a time when we need it.
Stones: My favorite of theirs. Deserves the label "iconic" and more. 98
Ramones: My favorite of theirs (I don't know their non-hits). Still, the Modern Lovers debut is closer to my ideal of punk. 97
Lemonheads: Effortlessly cool. 96
Truckers: Don't know their work (I'm slightly familiar with Isbell's albums and love his philosophy). This song is solid as a semi: 95 Trivia: I almost got to play a gig at the 40 Watt Club ca. 1974.
Gin Blossoms: Didn't know this song either, but it sounds familiar. In this case, that's not meant as a compliment, but it's not an insult either. 89
This song (Jonathan Richman after punk) isn't where I am now but where I'm trying to get to: