It's not that I don't like new music--it's that it takes me longer to appreciate it. All these songs are new to me, and I'm basing the scores on a first and only audition--so take this with a grain of sodium-free salt. The rating is just for the music; I didn't care for any of the videos.
Carly Rae: decent pop, with okay writing and good singing, but the production is too artificial for my taste. 70
Daya: same as above but less artificial. 75. Incidentally, the bridge is very similar to that in Britta Persson's Toast to M (which will give you an indication of the kind of pop that I do like):
Sammy Hagar: Don't care for his vocal style, but this song is good old fashioned hard rock, without any artificiality. 79
Ozzy: I had wondered about the new album--this cut is definitely my favorite from the list. They're not reinventing anything, but it's still a decent step forward (which is an accomplishment for anyone his (my) age). 85