It’s not about Tara Reade but about a hypothetical sham complainant.
I don’t know if Tara Reade’s account is valid or not (I tend to give women a provisional benefit of the doubt until evidence proves otherwise, but this is me as a reader, not a judge), but from what I’ve read, she did not mention the more graphical aspect until recently. That doesn’t invalidate her complaint, but it does suggest that the 30-year old evidence may be incomplete.
If there were some incontrovertible evidence that supported her most recent claim, I can’t say I’d be shocked.
But in the Deep Fake era, it wouldn’t be hard for another accuser of another candidate to manufacture some sort of evidence that gullible people would consider valid. And my main point is that while anyone can be targeted with an attack, men are more easily to target with a false sexual assault attack than are women, and thus if you have two candidates to replace Biden in the event that Reade’s charges prove fatal to his campaign, and if one of those candidates is a man and one candidate is a woman, then using your standard of political safety as a reason to jettison Biden, the woman is the safer candidate.