Is Trump a racist or is he just pandering for votes from the far right racist base?
Who cares — they’re both bad, right? But it’s worse than that. (See the recent Washington Post editorial by Henry Olsen.)
Trump is using hardcore racist tropes to appeal to conservatives and moderates who are not overtly racist, but who, when push comes to shove….
These are the folks who complain about identity politics and political correctness. “I’m not a racist,” they boast, “but….”
There’s always a “but….”
In the Letter from Birmingham Jail, Dr. King explained how the moderate racists (he didn’t call them racists) were far more dangerous to the cause of civil rights than were the Bull Conners.
Trump is like Dracula’s familiar, deriving power from his master’s evil deeds. Get rid of Trump, fine. That’s a good start. But you’ve still got the monster to deal with.