Member-only story
Impossible Burger Tainted by Meat Residue at Burger King
Many vegans won’t care. Here’s why .
The business magazine Inc. recently published an article by Chris Matyszczyk with the following headline: “ Burger King Made a Controversial Admission That’s Going to Upset a Lot of Customers.”
The startling revelation? That Burger King will cook its plant-based burger on the same grill used for beef and chicken. Mr. Matyszczyk announces, with not a little schadenfreude, that telling vegans the Impossible Burger will be cooked on the same broiler used for beef and chicken “is like telling a meat-eater that her steak is made from tofu.” Apparently vegans are delicate snowflakes who will be dismayed at this startling revelation.
In reality, many vegans won’t care. To understand why, you have to look at the three possible reasons someone may go plant-based.
- Ethical veganism. Ethical vegans avoid eating or wearing animal products in order to reduce cruelty to sentient beings.
- Environmental veganism. Environmentalist vegans prefer plant-based options because a plant-based entree makes fewer demands on scarce natural resources, and pollutes the environment less.
- Nutritional veganism. Health-conscious vegans believe that a vegan diet is better for your body than a meat-based diet.