I'm rating theses songs largely on the performance / styling of the choirs.
"There Will Come a Day." At the risk of sounding racialist, there are stylistic differences between black and white choirs--this is not to say that one is better, just that they intone the notes and harmonies differently. I think the contrast between the black choir's approach and Faith Hill's works well, and the choral singing by itself is near perfect. Whoever orchestrated the performance deserves a boatload of credit as well. Is that Paul Shafer on organ? He's certainly capable of doing so. 97
"Overkill" is one of my favorite hit songs from that era, and I agree that the addition of a choir enhances the song rather than limits it. Nothing at all wrong with Chhoir!Choir!Choir1 either--they fade out nicely at the end. 94
"The Rising." Though this is a racially mixed choir, the style is largely black (which in my opinion shows that the difference between black and white choirs is stylistic rather than racial). I think this choir has the most difficult task of the three here--to sing with but not over Springsteen, and they do so quite well. 95
A subset of choral music is children's choirs, which can be excellent. Here the Swedish pop star uses a small chorus of young women to underscore the youthful optimism of her lyrics. https://youtu.be/iuYPKvzfbWg
Translation: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/goliat-goliath.html