I’m preaching to the choir here, but reason is a kind of subjugation of the individual self (ego) to the world that includes the egos of all sentient beings. The scientific method itself is a further subjugation of the desire for certainty to the need for an ever-mutable truth. Hence the need for peer-reviews, and peer reviews of the peer reviews, ad infinitum.
This is why the Dalai Lama considers himself a scientist rather than a religious leader.
Trump’s acolytes seek certainty over truth and self-ness over other-ness. Whether Trump himself is the narcissist some claim or simply a pragmatist exploiting the fear and insecurity of others is ultimately not important. He is the most dangerous person alive today.
Trump’s approach is cheap and it’s easy and it’s destructive of the weal of the planet. If there’s an opposite of health practitioner, it’s Donald J. Trump.