I'm not surprised at the top-rated choices (not that they would all have been mine). They're well-crafted pop songs. Bands like Journey and Foreigner populate this space, though for me they're completely dispensable. I'm also not surprised at Instant Karma not doing well--if someone other than John Lennon had released this song, would it have done as well as it did? Maybe not.
But my big surprise is the lack of support for Born to Run. It seems to me an essential, timeless track (and I'm not the biggest Bruce fan). Here's a theory: certain "classics" require a bit of replay before they take hold. Maybe Born to Run is one of those. Some of my top songs now weren't my top songs for quite a while. On the other hand, some songs that I consider utter dreck (e.g. Alone Again Naturally or Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head) might do well with a first time audience until the listener was forced to hear them hundreds of time on popular radio. WTF is the appeal of Muskrat Love? Pop music is at its essence the course of least resistance.