I was expecting the usual petulant “I’m just not going to vote for anyone” agenda, but what you’re describing here is more of a lack of enthusiasm than an attempt to undermine an election (more of a “Bernie or Rust”). I can’t understand someone not opting for the lesser of two evils. Politicians are never exact equals — somebody has to be a little worse or better, and the Naderesque “There’s no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats” is arrant nonsense. It’s saying “I’m so perceptive that I can see behind the appearances.”
So I can understand if you or others don’t feel like working enthusiastically for Biden (that’s not my viewpoint, but I do understand the disappointment you may feel if Sanders doesn’t get the nomination).
But if Biden’s the nominee, I hope the Sanders partisans don’t try to sabotage the election by urging others to sit it out, or misrepresent what’s at stake here.
And I hope everyone realizes the important of congressional and local elections and takes an active role in helping whoever they feel is best for the good of the nation in general.