I think this is very helpful advice for someone who is writing an exploratory draft or crafting an initial outline. I particularly like that you present the next step as a series of options for the writer rather than a rigid paradigm that must be followed.
But I think what makes the End of Act One turning point effective is that it sets up the End of Act Two turning point in the best way possible, not how well it sets up the beginning of Act Two. And what makes the End of Two turning point effective is how well it prepares the audience for the conclusion.
The audience works forward through the storyline, motivated by curiosity, but the writer works backward, not just from the way the crisis is resolved but from an awareness of the gestalt of the entire story. But how do you know the gestalt of your story until you’ve written it? Most writers probably don’t.
I expect that only the most intuitive can whip out a good story in a first or second draft. For the rest of us, the revision process, not the exploration, is the key.