I remember those songs well--or I thought I did until I listened again just now. Time has a way of erasing the interesting edges from a great performer.
Donna Fargo was more expressive than my memory of her hit song, and Charley Pride was twangier in the old-fashioned country way.
Happiest: 90 (the song itself isn't quite as distinctive as the singing.
Angel: 94 (a better song and pitch-perfect performance)
If you haven't put Porter Wagoner on your vinyl shopping list, check him out (he's much more complex than the gaudily sequined cowboy I remembered from television. This one's worth buying just for the cover: https://www.discogs.com/master/540876-Porter-Wagoner-The-Cold-Hard-Facts-Of-Life/image/SW1hZ2U6NDQxNjMxNw==