I only know these groups by name (I think I've heard some World Party on Medium--maybe on your feed), which makes me the ideal ignorant rater, just like those teens on American Bandstand.
Scritti Politti was (for me) surprisingly mainstream synth pop (I had thought they'd be more prog--probably because of all those Italian prog groups). What I liked: The beat; even I could dance to that song. The key changes--kept the song interesting. What didn't do it for me: the vocals (too high pitched for my taste--I prefer synth / Brit pop a bit lower); the length (3:00 would have been fine, even with the key changes)--on the other hand, if I were on the dance floor, the length would have been useful; the synth solo--I didn't think it added anything to the melodic theme, and I love keyboard solos.
World Party (indie rock) was much closer to my own tastes (or bias, depending on your pov). Still, I wasn't bowled over. And the rhythm, while interesting, was a little complex for dancing, compared to the Scritti Politti. What I liked: the flavor, the energy, the musical textures--a good rock song; the vocals were also fine. What didn't do it for me: that lower register guitar solo near the end--same problem as the Scritti Politti keyboard solo: didn't do anything interesting with the melody--the song would have been no worse off if it were edited out.
Scritti Politti: 80 (yes, because you can dance to it!)
World Party: 85 (good music for driving: energetic but not overwhelming)