I may have to sign up for the site so I can leave a comment--Rotter's Club is 175!
But I have no complaints about your choice for Worst. There are lots of musicians I just don't care about / for, but Ted Nugent is the only one I actively loathe.
Let me know what you think about Rock Bottom--it may take a few listens. Canterbury music that did make the top 100: Mike Oldfield, "Omadawn" (a surprise at 20) and (honorary Canterbury) Camel, "The Snow Goose" (25).
The good albums here ("good" = "liked by me"), e.g. the 3 Eno albums, that it's hard to rank them.
BTW, I once owned an 8-track cassette of Metal Machine Music. If there were ever an album for infinite playback, it's this one.