I hate winter. These songs will make it more bearable. Thank you!
Here are two from Sweden (where they know the meaning of cold):
Hello Saferide, Arjeplog (a town in northernmost Sweden): https://youtu.be/OHn0MpXAP7E
. . . .
Loney Dear, C Major (live version): https://youtu.be/OYvcmGoqols
text by Nobel Prize poet Thomas Transtormer:
As he stepped out into the street after a meeting
with her
the snow whirled in the air.
Winter had come
while they were making love.
The night was white.
He walked fast from joy.
The streets slanted down.
Smiles passed ---
everyone smiled behind turned-up collars.
How free it all was!
And all the question marks started to sing about
God's life.
That's how it seemed to him.
Music was free at last
and walked through the blowing snow
with long strides.
All things around him on the way toward the note C.
A trembling needle pointing toward C.
An hour risen above anxieties.
How easy!
Everyone smiled behind turned-up collars.