I don't think Klansmen wore masks to hide their identity--the Klansmen knew who their "brothers" were, and there was little if any outside attendance at Klan rallies / cross burnings, other than by the intended victims, who in general were powerless to protest against the threats. If you examine photos of public lynchings from the late 19th-early 20th centuries, neither the lynchers nor their audiences were masked.
The purpose of the KKK hoods and uniforms was to incite terror in Black citizens: "we are united (uniform) in our resolve to intimidate / threaten / harm you, and there's nothing you can do against our collective might."
That's the point of dog whistles and slogans like "WWG1WGA." It's the point of swastikas sewn onto arm bands and spray-painted on head stones. It's the point of Confederate flags.
And I think it's the point of "Let's go Brandon" as a catchphrase. So I don't prefer either "Let's go Brandon" or "Fuck Joe Biden" as a collective statement. They're essentially the same.