I don't know that I agree with you about CRT, but I don't know that much about how CRT is deployed in the classroom, so I don't know that I disagree with you either.
I certainly agree about James Baldwin and about your objections to the opponents of CRT.
It seems to me that what all teachers should teach is not adherence to this theory or that, but should teach students how to think for themselves.
You don't have to teach students that the American education system is inherently racist; you simply have to expose the inherent racism therein. This not theory; it's data, both experiential and objectively observational. And these data should be made available to everyone, not just people in the classroom. What people do with the data is up to them (since they should be learning how to think for themselves), as long as they don't lie about or misrepresent the data.
Quite frankly, a lot of the application of CRT in the classroom that I've seen discussed looks like the old-fashioned top-down, "sage on the stage" methodology.