I don't have many guilty pleasures, probably because I'm too narcissistic to feel guilty about liking something (if I like it, it must be good). "Asleep on the Wind" by Jimmy Webb, for example, is as schmaltzy as music gets, but I love it with no apologies.
Two songs do stand out: "Little Red Riding Hood" by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs. I first liked it (even bought the 45) because someone I had a crush on liked it. She also liked "Lightning Strikes" and "Rhapsody in the Rain" by Lou Christie--I fell for those cheesy hits briefly but got over my infatuation with Lou Christie when my romantic infatuation ended. I still like "Little Red Riding Hood" though.
The other song is more recent. I like Swedish pop so much that I even enjoy this slab of Limburger: Bjorn Skifs (formerly of Blue Swede--("Ooga chaka ooga ooga....") and Agnes: "When I Tell the World You're Mine" performed at the Swedish royal wedding of Princess Victoria and Daniels Bröllop. https://youtu.be/H3BYy2TEPRQ Now where'd I put those tissues?