I definitely agree with you about the "A lot of words" -- probably too many words, but that's my usual style.
My basic point is that in general white people don't have much awareness about what it means to be a non-white person.
I don't hate all white people; I'm just saying that most white people have a blind spot about other groups. This is usually the case with either the group who is a numerical majority, or with whoever is in power. Most right-handed people don't know what it's like to be left-handed in a right-handed world, but left-handed people have a better sense of what it means to be right-handed in a right-handed world. Same principle applies to race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, etc.
I also don't want white people to be gone (I and my family are white), just more aware.
See--too many words again for such a simple point.