I can understand why Black people can feel solidarity with the plight of Palestinians. But I think EVERYONE should be concerned about the treatment (colonization) of Palestinians. How hard is it to see the injustices heaped on innocent people?
But I do not understand how anyone can feel solidarity with Hamas or Hezbollah (or the recent response of Iran or anyone who wants to wipe Israel off the map). While Nelson Mandela was prepared to use force if necessary, the ANC managed to overthrow the South African colonists without resorting to violence or terrorism.
Since the majority of people I've seen espousing anti-Semitism and/or condoning genocide as an antidote to what they call Zionism have not been Black but White people (Europeans and Americans, e.g. Roger Waters) who have themselves never been the victims of colonization, it would seem that many White people (e.g. the Harvard students who supported the recent brutalities by Hamas as a justifiable response) would do well to learn from the leadership of MLK, Malik al Shabazz, and Nelson Mandela the importance of not fighting evil with evil.