I appreciate the sensitivity and complexity of your position but would redefine what Roe v. Wade means (and I’ll explain why it’s important in a minute):
The Supreme Court decision did not legalize abortion; it simply ruled that according to the Court’s interpretation of the Constitution, states do not have the right to make abortion illegal. The current Court could (and if RBG dies during Trump’s term probably would) change its interpretation of the Constitution. If it reversed Roe v. Wade, it would not be ruling that abortion was murder (i.e. it would not criminalize abortion), but simply that a state could do so (some have already begun the process, in anticipation of a reversal).
Overturning Roe v. Wade would set a precedent that even most abortion opponents would find troubling. (Remember, for the Supreme Court it’s not about saving the unborn but allowing states to do what they want to do, regardless of previous Constitutional interpretations.) Once one belief group succeeds in dictating legal policies (e.g. “abortion is murder”), it may find itself constrained by other belief systems. Ethical vegans (I’m one) believe that meat is murder. Should we follow suit and criminalize steaks?
States would be able to criminalize a number of activities that are not considered unacceptable to most people:
- States could forbid interracial marriage (again).
- States could make certain sexual acts between consenting adults (including married couples) illegal (again).
States could also institute (or continue) policies we would currently consider unconstitutional, like funding schools for some but not all religions, or making it more difficult for certain ethnic groups to vote.
I think veganism will eventually be the dominant mode of eating because as a planet, we are moving toward kindness. Moving toward kindness is also, I believe, the best way to create a nurturing society so that women will not have to choose abortion. But the cold, hard boot of government will not foster kindness, and Trump and some of his followers and some members of the Supreme Court know this; they delight in cruelty and the oppression of others.