Hi Daniel--I'm very glad you enjoyed the list, and thank you for the positive comments.
I took a look at your Joe Rogan article and enjoyed it very much. It was insightful, instructive (I didn't know that background, and am guilty for being one of the cherry-pickers), fluent, and persuasive. You create an effective persona / writing voice.
Even though I taught freshman composition in college, writing is a laborious and difficult process for me.
I'll offer one bit of advice from a technical standpoint (which by no means should overshadow your talent with content and rhetoric). Try writing shorter paragraphs. Longer paragraphs are standard in academic and formal writing, but the modern online reader expects and is more comfortable with much shorter bites of information.
In your case, it's not a matter of breaking a long paragraph into two smaller units. The content of each of your paragraphs is clear, well-defined, and logical. Instead, look for and eliminate any word, phrase, or sentence that repeats something you've already said (this is a particular weakness of mine--I often say the same thing twice in a single sentence, and don't catch the repetition unless I revise very carefully--also a painful part of the writing process for me). Next review the paragraph for any word or phrase that's not absolutely essential, and consider eliminating it.
This is a judgment call, and you're the best judge of what to keep and what to omit, but if you're in doubt, save a backup copy and be a little ruthless with the revision. Then compare the two versions and put back anything you think should be there. This kind of editing works best if you can put aside the original for a few days before pruning.
Most writers (me included) find that editing for style or grammar in the initial stage inhibits fluency and momentum. It’s probably best to knock out a first draft, warts and all, and then go back (after some time) to edit.
Keep up the great work. I look forward to reading more of your writing, and as a red stater, I'm glad to find someone else coping with the problem of living in the middle of idiots. Marjorie Taylor Greene is my representative and in spite of the negative press she gets routinely, she's quite popular here.