But I also claim that an all-male panel will see points that an all-female panel would not see.
Here’s where we disagree. A given man may understand things that a given woman does not. But on average, women are familiar with the male experience in a way that men are not familiar with the female experience (just as on average African Americans are familiar with the European American experience…). On average, an all-male panel will NOT see points that an all-female panel would see. Some all-male panels will no doubt get it, but they won’t (as of 2019) be the norm.
If you look at this as a large data problem (all men…all women), the indication is that women are more aware than men. This doesn’t mean women are morally or cognitively better than or superior to men. They simply have a larger data set to work with. There’s no reason men can’t gain this more inclusive perspective, and I think/hope that one day we will. But we first have to be aware of the parameters / limitations of our perspective.