Here's a hypothetical example that may explain my question a bit more:
Suppose that there are three universes.
In the first, I use a leaf blower to remove leaves from my yard (onto the street).
In the second, I rake the leaves and burn them.
In the third, I don't do anything about the leaves (let them compost on my yard).
In all three universes, entropy increases.
But in universes 1 and 2, entropy increases at a particular rate (probably a bit faster in 1, but I haven't done the research), and in universe 3, entropy increases at a (relatively) slower rate than in 1 and 2.
In other words, we can't necessarily prevent the end of the known universe, but we can slow our precipitous decline towards evenness (and thus ensure a bit longer residence on the planet for flora and fauna).
I bring this scenario up because there are numerous climate change (or whatever) deniers who make idiotic statements like "We have always had climate change." These idiots are a bit less stupid than the deniers who make statements like "Last winter it was colder in my city than in the previous year. Hence there is no global warming."