From what I know (and again I'm not an attorney) the "making money" or "depriving someone of monetary reward" distinction relates more to trademark infringement than to copyright.
Yes, if I seek to make money (which, remember most of us do on Medium if only for a few cents) I'm certainly going to be more of a target in a civil lawsuit, but the guy who taped the Disney movie wasn't making any money from doing so.
I've seen posts / warnings here on Medium about Medium authors who used an Unsplash image (not copyright) that contained a photo of an individual from whom the Unsplash creator had not secured rights (if I take a picture of you and use it for whatever reason, I have to get your permission to do so unless you're a public figure--as I understand the law).
Let's say that there's a 1 in a hundred chance that my uploading an album cover will incur a copyright lawsuit. Given the pennies that I receive from my posts, I don't think that the risk outweighs the reward. Now Medium authors who are raking in the bucks may be better able to afford an attorney, but their enhanced status as creators means they'll be more likely a target of a suit.