Fine, fine superfine (to quote Ruben and the Jets) list and topic. Except for the being self-aware, I'm a stalwart introvert.
Musicians are tricky. You have to be extraverted in order to send a song out to the world. But the great musical introverts tend to create personae who externalize what they feel (Ray Davies, e.g. ). My favorite introverts are Annika Norlin (Hello Saferide, Sakert!) and Irene Tremblay (Aroah).
The first song will break your heart. The second one will make you want to throw in the towel for good.
Spanish lyrics and English translation (courtesy of Google):
Nothing in the fridge, nothing in your arms
Nada en la nevera nada entre tus brazos
Nothing meaningful
Nada con sentido
Everything is in the air
Todo esta en el aire
Free all day
Libre todo el dia
Freedom the next
Libertad la siguiente
For not wanting anything, I no longer want anyone
Por no querer nada ya no quiero a nadie