Before the Trump era, 60-40 was a fairly standard Republican-Democrat breakdown, whether in a local, statewide or national election. But Georgia, as everyone (even the veracity-challenged former President) must know, has been trending purplish. So Marjorie's victory margin is a little better than it might seem (her 2018 Democratic challenger dropped out of the race because of marital problems, so there's not exactly a baseline). But in my largely white, fairly rural county, Greene did better, and in one precinct, she won 90% of the vote. Imagine that: of the 10 people ahead of you in line at Dollar General, 9 are (probably fervent) MTG supporters. And she's not even from here--she moved to this Congressional district because she knew she'd have a better chance than in Cobb County, running against Lucy McBath. Danged carpetbaggers.