Bear with me here--this is going to be complicated.
A million years ago when I was making up melodies and songs, I imagined a melody that sounded a bit similar to the overlapping phrases of these two songs. Now I never published my "tune" so there's no question that these artists were stealing from me. But my tune was itself based on a pre-existing melody that I knew: "Surrey with the Fringe on Top" from the musical Oklahoma. The various YouTube soundtracks contain extra choruses and phrases. Here's Frank Sinatra's version, which sticks to the basic melody that overlaps with your two uploads:
Listen to Frankie and then listen to these two songs (the Funboy 3 segment is closer to the Broadway tune, but it has other elements, while the Dead Skeletons holds to the basic phrases but repeats them over and over (it's a mantra after all), and melodically it differs a bit more from the Rodgers and Hammerstein composition.
Now there are a fairly limited number of rhythmic phrases, so it's entirely possible that Funboy and and Skeletons were not borrowing from the Broadway tune, and (extending the point a bit further) the Skeletons weren't necessarily ripping off Funboy. (Screenwriters use the term "parallel development" to characterize two scripts that while written at about the same time were done so independently of the other.) The courts seem to have deigned that Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" didn't steal from Spirit's "Taurus," for example. Or it could be a case of cryptomnesia, as with George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord" and the original "He's So Fine." George had most likely heard the earlier song but wasn't consciously aware that he was "borrowing" the melody. Still, he had to pay some royalties.
(Btw, there's another issue with a song emntioned earlier in the original post that you quote: Elizabeth Cotton's "Freight Train," but I'll save that for later.
My rating:
Funboy's song is structurally more complex (and to my taste more interesting). Skeleton's song is deliberately simpler, but is simplicity a strength or a weakness in this case? To my mind, it's not a strength.
Funboy: 80
Skeletons: 75