At the risk of sounding like an amateur night Zen master, you can't fix the future, only the present. Of course you have to fix the present in a way that will keep on fixing the problem as the future becomes our present--for example your idea of creating green jobs NOW in order to avoid catastrophes in the future.
Contrary to what you might think, very few fundamentalists want the earth to end during their lifetime. The apocalypse is a fantasy that takes their mind off whatever displeases them in the present. Regardless of what their dogma may preach, these folks are against fixing climate change because they're pretty comfortable with the outdoor temperature range for this particular year. So you have to convince them that they're losing something RIGHT NOW as a result of climate change — show them how they are the emaciated polar bear. If you can do this, you might be able to enlist the so-called skeptics in the fight to save the earth.