And all three of them are likely to agree with you (I’m not saying centrists can’t be intelligent, just that there seem to be so few centrists of any kind these days, which is a shame).
Here's my left-of-center theory: The Trump campaign is probably hoping to appeal to centrists and the undecided through other means (it'll be hard to decide whether these other undefined strategies will work or not until after the election).
The loaded questions are intended for the die-hard Trump fans, but aren't trying to change their enthusiasm or opinion. Rather, the purpose (according to my theory) is to stoke them up so they'll chip in more dollars when the solicitation page appears. The next poll will do the same thing, but won't seem to be just a repeat begging for $.
There's a darker possibility. The purpose of drilling these characterizations into Trump supporters may be to indoctrinate them so thoroughly that they will refuse to accept a Biden victory and will support whatever countermeasure Trump may dictate.