Agree totally with everything. Here's another reason to continue with your hero's journey:
You are essentially preserving a collection of one of earth's most important artistic treasures (music, album cover, etc.; many lp's from the past are still not reissued or available on cd or streaming). You can later pass them on (as a gift while you're alive or in your will) to someone else who can continue the preservation and appreciation of these priceless treasures.
I just bought a 78 at Goodwill (more about this purchase in a later article). There was a notch broken out of the outer grooves (though otherwise it was in great condition for shellac). I bought the record because of its enormous historical and cultural importance, just so I could hold this bit of history in my hands (and pass it on later). The record? "Strange Fruit" by Billie Holiday (recorded in 1939--my copy is the 4th pressing from the 1940's).
Onward, vinyl (and shellac and tape) collectors, marching as to war with the ravages of time and scratches.