Actually it pretty much is.
The reasoning that we've seen from the conservative justices so far reveals either ignorance of reality or a desire to redirect the arc of justice back toward injustice. I lean toward the latter. They are a cruel, snide, and self-righteous bunch.
The narrow basis for the defense of the half-a-loaf redress called affirmative action in college admissions is that a diverse student body benefits all students--and how can that not be the case? The purpose of an undergraduate education is to provide students with a well-rounded view of the world that they're about to enter.
If the K-12 system (public and private) valorized Black students so that a disproportionate number of college students were Black, then yes, it would necessitate a holistic decision-making process to ensure a diverse mix by adding more White students students. But that is not the case. Systemic anti-Black racism in K-12 has ensured that White students are more likely to get accepted according to traditional non-holistic standards (test scores, grade point averages, even teacher recommendations), which means de facto segregation at any college that's not open enrollment. And that means a student body that is not diverse and that is not prepared to face the real world after graduation.