A free society is not a society without rules and boundaries. A society without rules and boundaries is not a free society.
In a Lord of the Flies Open Discussion environment, the bullies will always drown out other voices.
"But isn't the Cancel Culture trying to bully people with other points of view into silence?"
Are the opponents of a statement by J. K. Rowling about the "threat" of transsexuals seeking to bully her into silence? No, they're simply trying to establish the ground rules of discussion. You should not make up nonsense about a group of people and then use your celebrity status to force your views into a community that doesn't value nonsense or intolerance. There are plenty of homophobic online groups where Rowling could go to freely express herself.
If I submit a flat earth argument to The Planetary Science Journal and they refuse to print it, they are not stifling my right to free speech. They are maintaining their integrity.