$70 for a Rolling Stones album? I guess if it were one of their best works and weren't available anywhere else, then the price might be worth it. Otherwise, streaming works fine for me. My scaresest Stones record is a jukebox version of Their Satanic Majesties Request, which sold for $688 in 2016 in VG+ condition, but my copy is in nowhere that good a shape. I probably couldn't get $70 for it. But the complete album itself is available in a number of formats for far less, $25 for the vinyl with the original lenticular cover in VG.
"Where do you buy your music?" Normally I listen to music on Amazon or YouTube, but buy vinyl from thrift stores (the smaller and grungier the store, the better). The ratio of treasure to trash is tiny compared to a "real" record store, but the opportunity to find something unusual is about equal. If I want a specific album, I'll go to Discogs.
If you're looking for a relatively inexpensive turntable, check Fluance on Amazon. Open box (like new) models shave off a few bucks, but right now you can get a truly new version of their starter level RT 81 with cartridge and preamp for $212.