5. George H. W. Bush grabbed women and girls by the butt (making a “David Cop-a-Feel” joke as he did so) during photo opportunities in the White House. Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Louis CK and others all had something to lose from their actions. But apparently they didn’t let the risk dissuade them.There is no evidence that Franken feared he wouldn’t get away with public butt grabbing. Accounts of his doing so are credible and consistent.
6. Patriarchism is not a “macho rule the world” initiative. Its goal is to maintain power by men, not to seize power. In the way that fish don’t seem to be aware of water, people living in our society aren’t aware of the power that patriarchy wields. The backlash against the #metoo movement illustrates the depth and breadth of patriarchal assumptions.
7. I don’t think Franken’s resignation was an admission (tacit or otherwise) of guilt. I think he probably resigned for the good of the party. I only wish he had done so before the reports of butt-grabbing escalated. I do think Franken’s defense statements are more of an indicator (though not legal proof) of guilt, however.
8. Gillibrand and others began calling for investigation or resignation before the Alabama election. Had they waited, Jones might not have won.
9. Horsing around in public or on a USO tour is one thing. Sexualizing a target when she’s asleep is another.
10. The facts as I remember them are that after the photo was snapped, it was distributed to others on the tour without Tweeden’s knowledge or consent. I don’t think Franken himself distributed the photo. Nor do I know if he encouraged the distribution. But he did nothing to prevent dissemination. I bring it up only to contrast Franken’s defense when he’s caught (“I admit I did it”) with his defense in various he-said she-said situations (“I don’t remember doing it” or “what she said doesn’t match my recollection”). I believe that only once did Franken deny an accusation outright (the alleged forced kissing of a Congressional aide).
Overall, I believe that the original article’s characterization of Democratic demurring on #metoo accusations (including the reaction against Gillibrand) is accurate.